July 28th - You have heard me talk about Abraham. He and Thomas run the Asian Christian College of Music. He teaches keyboard, piano and many of the classes here at the college. He is also a very active composer. A friend of his posted a video of him doing work on a film score. He does amazing things with the keyboard and I thought I would share this with you. Take a few minutes and see him at work. I think he told me he was working on film music for a movie about the Incredible Hulk. I know you will enjoy watching the video.
I took my daily walk this afternoon and decided to do a little shopping. I have walked through the Big Bazaar a couple of times but have never bought anything. I thought it would be nice to have a couple of new shirts to bring home. I also decided to buy a water bottle I could take back and forth with me to the college. I am still trying to decide exactly what I might bring home for my family. I bought a few things when I was down at "the end of the world" but I want to bring home something nice for Tami since I will get home 15 minutes before our 30th wedding anniversary (if all the flights are on time). Those of you that know Tami and I well know that neither one of us are avid shoppers. It’s a good thing! Gentlemen if you have a wife or kids that love to shop do not bring them to India. Everything is very cheap here. I walked out of the Big Bazaar with 3 shirts and a water bottle for less than $20. This would easily be an $80 purchase in the states. Keep in mind I only bought one shirt that was full price. The others were on the clearance rack. I guess if a person is cheap in the USA, you remain cheap when you travel abroad.
Keep praying for the students some have returned to classes but the doctors are telling them not to do anything strenuous for the next 3 months. It will be good to get everyone back in class. I have missed the students who have been gone and I have such a short time with them to begin with. From India! Kevin
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INDIA 2016
This blog will journal my experiences as I prepare to go overseas this July and teach at the Asian Christian College of Music in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala in India. Archives
August 2016